On the transmission screen the “Transmit” button is disabled

On the transmission screen the “Transmit” button is disabled


After pressing the “Transmit” button on the Work In Progress (WIP) screen, the “Transmit” button on the transmission screen is disabled or grayed-out.


This issue can occur if the program is configured to use Traditional Dialup and no modem is connected to the computer.


If internet access is not through a dialup modem, follow these steps to configure the program to use standard internet communications:

  1. Log into the program as a user with administrator rights.
  2. On the top toolbar, click Transmit.
  3. On the transmission screen, click Setup in the lower-left hand corner.
  4. On the communications setup screen, under Transmit Method select “Internet Access”.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.
The program is now configured to use internet access to communicate with the Central Site.