Error Message: “Return contains errors which exceed the acceptable error level, as specified in System Setup…” when printing a return

Error Message: “Return contains errors which exceed the acceptable error level, as specified in System Setup…” when printing a return


When printing a tax return, the following error message appears:
Return contains errors which exceed the acceptable error level, as specified in System Setup. This return CANNOT be Printed.


This issue can occur if the program is configured to prevent the transmission of tax returns that contain errors and/or warning messages, or if the tax return contains fatal errors.


Method 1 - Configure Office Setup to prevent transmission only on fatal errors:

Note: This will allow a return to be printed while still containing non-fatal errors and warnings.
  1. Log into the program as a user with Administrator rights.
  2. From the top menu, select Setup->Office Setup. The Registrations tab will open.
  3. In the Verification Settings section, in the Prevent Transmit box, select Fatal Errors.
  4. Click Ok to save the change.
The tax return will now print without error. If the tax return still shows errors, these errors are fatal and not warnings.

Method 2 - Print the tax return through return components:

  1. Open the return to be printed.
  2. From the top menu, select Print->Return Components.

  3. Check the boxes for the desired return components.
  4. Click OK.
The selected return components will print.