Error Message: “File is too big - File size Exceeds 1MB” appears when importing a file
When importing a file to the document archive, the following error message appears:
'File is too big
File size Exceeds 1MB’
The file being to imported is too large to store in the Document Archive.
If the file being imported exceeds 1MB, there may be ways to reduce the size of the file.
Method 1 - Save the file as a compressed (zipped) file:
- Browse to the file in Windows.
- Right-click the file and select Send to->Compressed (zipped) folder.
Windows will store the file in a compressed format.
Method 2 - Save the file in a format that is more compressed and smaller in size:
If the file being imported is an image, it may be possible to save the image in a smaller format (such as a JPEG).
To change the file format of an image file, follow these steps:
- Open the image file using any image editing program (such as Microsoft Paint, Gimp or Adobe Photoshop).
- Under the File menu, click Save As and select a compressed image format (i.e. ".jpg", ".png").
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