Error Message: “Crosslink Startup Abort!!! >Abt (Software CRC error) Error: (020) 1040/ops/opsidx.scr.112.IDXFILE =: 1040zzreg zz05260 ==: FILExx” when opening the program
When opening the program, the following error message appears:
Crosslink Startup Abort!!!
~>Abt (Software CRC error) Error: (020)
=: 1040zzreg zz05260
==: FILExx’
This can occur when the program is updated on a network while the program is open on another workstation.
IMPORTANT: If all users have their own individual login ID for the program, the program will generate a warning that users are logged in. When all users share a single login ID, the program cannot generate the warning.
Uninstall and reinstall the program
- Step 1 – Uninstall the program:
- Step 2 – Reinstall the program: