A PDF is not created when using the PDF button in the printing dialogue box, What do I do?

A PDF is not created when using the PDF button in the printing dialogue box, What do I do?

Under Default Printer(s)
a. Check PROMPT FOR TAX RETURN PDF if you want the program to prompt the
user to create a PDF when printing final returns. If you check this box, you must
enter a path in the PDF Printing Options tab which will be covered shortly.          

Under PDF Printing Options                                                                                                                                                                                                     

 a.  Click on the Browse button to search for the folder in which you want to save your PDF's or type in the location of the folder.  If you are having problems create a new folder and try again.
b.  Check User External PDF Reader if you want to view the pdf in Adobe Acrobat Reader when it is created.
c.  Check Always encrypt generated PDF to always create an encrypted PDF.
d.  Check Use SSN for file name to create a PDF with the taxpayer’s Social Security number assigned as the name of the PDF file.
Windows 8 - You may need to uncheck Use External PDF Reader as Windows 8 can sometimes automatically access a pdf windows app rather than Adobe or an actual PDF program.